Toilet Construction
Under Sanitation Project for Rural Poor Households
In rural area yet people are not having household toilet facility because of which they have to go in open for defecation. Open defecation causes number of problem related to health, social, and so on. According to the study of Brian Arbogast, Director of the water sanitation and hygiene programme at the Bill and Melinda gates foundation “in India every year, 200,000 infants die because of open defecation, Open defecation leads to contamination of food and water and transmits diarrhea-related diseases. In addition it can cause mental and cognitive stunting to young children”. Doctors have identified several other diseases like, skin disease, scabies, and intestinal parasites resulting in kidney damage, anthrax and tuberculosis.
MGVS is working in water conservation and sanitation project since 1999, Sanitation and toilet facility is providing to 900 rural poor household family and 4500 family member of Karanjgaon, Golwadi, Malisagaj and Dhondalgaon village of Vaijapur block, in Aurangabad district. This villages are located on Nagpur- Mumbai highway, 35-45 km long from Aurangabad town.
Sanitation has strong connection not only with health but also with the human dignity. The importance of sanitation cannot be denied at any cost. Due to lack of proper sanitation facility at the village level the project area people used to go for open defecation. This open defecation is not good at all; there is empirical evidence to prove that poor sanitation results into unhealthy and undignified life. Diseases are caused due to poor sanitation in the area, diseases like diarrhoea, dysentery, hook worms, malaria, cholera, typhoid etc. These diseases not only cause health issues but due to poor financial background many people face the financial problems.
Women’s in the village face many more problems due to lack of proper sanitation, most of the time women have to go for latrine during the night time because of this there is always the threat to their life due to snake and other animals, the risk increased during the rainy season. Their also a risk of watched by someone, the dignity of women is always on risk.
Almost 90 % populations of proposed village are facing lack of sanitation (toilet) facilities respectively. There is a general lack of awareness and practice of personal hygiene or environmental sanitation, with most community members not washing their hands after going to the toilet or before preparing food. MGVS has understood the importance of having household toilet and therefore started working in this field in several villages of Aurangabad by identifying the needy people of the village community.
The following are the benefits which the villages are getting from this programme
- Fall in diseases cases in the programme implementing area.
- Improvement in women’s safety and safeguard of their dignity.
- Clean and hygienic environment in surroundings of the village.