Who We Are?
Marathwada Gramin Vikas Sanstha (MGVS) is a Non-Governmental Organization registered under the public trust, society registration Act. It is also registered under FCRA Act, 12A, 80G and CSR-1, MGVS works in 18 districts of Aurangabad, Pune, and Nashik divisions of 1Maharashtra State since 1995-96 for the downtrodden and affected areas.
Why Rural and Urban Slum Areas?
Even though India has developed in many sectors the fruits of the development are limited to a few people in the country. The people of rural and urban slum areas where nearly 70% of the population lives are yet far away from the real fruits of the development. In rural areas, it is very difficult to many families to even survive for a single day without any external help. MGVS has identified the extreme need of the rural area and therefore we have been serving the needy people since the last 27 years.
Basic strategy and approach of the organization
MGVS believes in the Community Driven Development (CDD) approach in all its interventions and thus local communities are motivated to participate in every stage of development programmes such as planning, implementation, monitoring evaluation, and sustainability.
Legal Status
MGVS is a public Trust and Society registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, and Societies Reg. Act 1860, Regd. No (MHA -29/95 A, bad Date 10/1/95, F.3290 (A, bad) Date: 27th February 1996.
- MGVS is registered under Section 12 A, registration no. AABTM2715M E20214: Validity: AY. 26-27.
- MGVS registered under 80G, No. AABTM2715M F20214: Validity: AY. 26-27
- MGVS also registered under FCRA 083750093 Valid till 30/4/2027
- CSR-1: CSR00001362 dated 09-04-2021
- NGO Darpan UID: MH/2016/0099100