Vihaan Programme is run for the service of HIV/AIDS infected people. MGVS run this programme in Vaijapur,Gangapur,Kannad, Soyegaon and Khultabad block of Aurangabad district. The basic aim of the programme is to support the PLHIV. Vihaan enrolled this person to the ART center so that they can have timely and free treatment. The programme supports the individual in getting the benefit of various social scheme of the central and state government. The other programme give motivational support to the patient, help them in generating self-employment, library and child play corner for children’s infected by HIV.
Objective of Vihaan
- Early linkages of PLHIV (person living with HIV) to care, support and treatment services.
- Improved treatment adherence and education for PLHIV
- Expanded positive prevention activities expanded positive prevention activities
- Improved social protection and wellbeing of PLHIV
- Strengthened Community Systems and reduced stigma and discrimination
Impact of the Project
- The project is giving positive sign of improvement in the targeted community.
- The HIV/AIDS infected client now regularly visits to the ART center because they are getting Travelling support from Vihaan. Previously due to financial problem they use to skip their ART treatment. Due to regular treatment the health of the infected person is also good which has resulted in ability to work and earn livelihood for the family. The level of prevention and precaution about HIV/AIDS has increased in our operated area.