Provision of Care and Shelter for Beggars an INTRODUCTION:
MGVS called these beggars as “Blesser” (the one who gives blessing to others) because no matter how much poor they are but they always have blessings to the giver, their pocket may be empty but their heart is full of blessings, whenever anybody donate them even one rupee they just blessed the giver for happy and safe life.
The shelter home for beggars initiated by MGVS with the help of Municipal Corporation of Aurangabad, two shelter home and care center are started in Aurangabad town one is near railway station and one is in Gandhinagar, Aurangabad.
MGVS is providing services like medical care, counseling on drugs de-addiction, hygiene, mat, bed sheet, toilet and bathroom facility in this center to beggars, also providing food for needy on low cost basis, The beggars who have no home in Aurangabad, who are slipping at bus stand, railway station or on road etc, who are migrated from neighboring districts and block for daily need or daily wages. They are involved in Bhiksha, waste paper and plastic business etc.
With the objective of helping these home based care Shelter home was initiated. These 180 beggars are admitted in the center on regular basis.
Facilities to the Beggers (Blesser)
- Shelter: A safe shelter is given at the shelter home to the beneficiary.
- Food & Water: A onetime hygienic meal in the evening is provided to the beneficiary along with clean drinking water
- Toilet and bathroom facility: A well-furnished toilet and bathroom facility is provided to the beneficiary.
- Bedding facility: A good quality mattress is provided to the beneficiary for rest and to have his sleep.
- Medical facility: Many times due to poor health condition this beneficiaries fall ill, MGVS take them to the hospital for the medical treatment.
- Counseling: Some beneficiaries are addicted to smoking, alcohol and tobacco, MGVS give counseling so that this beneficiary can overcome to this addiction.
- Events at the shelter home: MGVS serve food with special menu on the occasion of women’s day and festivals not only to the Blesser living at the shelter home but also to the beggars of railway station, bus stand and other places by visiting them at their place we serve food to all the beggars, So that they can also connect themselves with the various festivals of the society. At present there are 50 beggars who are getting the benefit of this facility. Our organization is working hard to increase the number of beneficiaries so that more number of needy people can be covered under this programme.